

Calibration Method of Nickel Water Quality On-line Automatic Monitoring Instrument
摘要 通过分析镍水质在线自动监测仪工作原理及结构,探讨其计量特性和校准方法。提出了校准项目和技术指标,示值误差:当镍的质量浓度c≤0.05 mg/L时为±0.01 mg/L,当0.05 mg/L<c≤0.2 mg/L时为±10%,当c>0.2mg/L时为±5%;重复性不大于5%;稳定性不大于5%。对示值误差测量结果不确定度进行了评定,相对扩展不确定度为1.6%(k=2)。用所建校准方法对不同厂家的监测仪进行校准试验,示值误差、重复性、稳定性满足校准项目技术指标要求。该校准方法可以用于评价镍水质在线自动监测仪的性能。 The metrological characteristics and calibration method of the nickel water quality on-line automatic monitoring instrument were discussed on the basis of analysis of its working principle and structure. The calibration items and technical specifications were put forward. The indicating value error were ±0.01 mg/L,±10% and ±5% at the corresponding concentration of standard solution c ≤ 0.05 mg/L,0.05 mg/L < c ≤ 0.2 mg/L and c > 0.2 mg/L,respectively. The repeatability was not more than 5% while the stability was not more than 5%. The measurement uncertainty of indicating value error was evaluated,and the relative expanded uncertainty was 1.6% (k=2). The established calibration method was applied to test monitoring instruments from different manufacturers. The results indicated that value error,repeatability and stability meet the requirement of technical specifications. This method can be used for the evaluation of the performance of nickel water quality on-line automatic monitoring instrument.
作者 肖克 Xiao Ke(Hunan Institute of Metrology and Test, Changsha 410014, China)
出处 《化学分析计量》 CAS 2016年第4期87-89,共3页 Chemical Analysis And Meterage
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAK12B06) 湖南省质量技术监督局科研计划项目(2014KYJH20 2014KYJH22)
关键词 自动监测仪 校准 不确定度 nickel automatic monitoring instrument calibration uncertainty
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