1H. Sutherland, "Believing is Seeing: Perspective on Political Power and Economic Activity in the Malay World 1700-1940", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, March 1995, 26, 1, pp. 133 - 146; Twang Peck Yang, The Chinese Business Elite in Indonesia and the Transition to Independence 1940- 1950, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1998.
2A. Reid, ed. Sojourners and Settlers: Histories of Southeast Asia and the Chinese, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin,1996, p. ix.
3J. C. van Leur, Indonesian Trade and Society: Essays in Asian Social and Economic History, English edition, The Hague and Bandung, 1955.
4John R. W. Smail, "On the Possibility of an Autonomous History of Modern Southeast Asia", Journal of Southeast Asian History, 2, 1961, No. 2, pp. 72- 102; see also Laurie Sears ed. Autonomous Histories, Particular Truths: Essays in Honour of John R. W. Smail, University of Wisconsin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph No. 11, 1993.
5Harry Benda, "The Structure of Southeast Asian History: Some Preliminary Observations", Journal of Southeast Asian History, 3, 1962, No. 1, pp. 106 - 138; see also Harry Benda, Continuity and Change in Southeast Asia: Collected Journal Articles of Harry Benda, New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asian Studies, Monograph Series No. 18, 1972. 有关其他重要讨论,请见: John D. Legge, "Southeast Asian History and Social Sciences", in C. D. Cowan & O. W.Wolters, eds. Southeast Asian History and Historiography: Essays Presented to D. G. E. Hall, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, pp. 388 - 404; Ruth McVey, "Introduction: Local Voices, Central Power", in Ruth McVey ed.Southeast Asian Transitions: Approaches through Social History, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1978, pp.1 -31.
6O. W. Wohers, The Fall of Srivijaya in Malay History, London: Lund Humphries, 1970, p. ix.
7O. W. Wolters, History, Culture, and Region in Southeast Asian Perspective, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1982; see also his recent article, "Southeast Asia as a Southeast Asian Field of Study", Indonesia, 1994, No. 58(October), pp. 1 - 17.
8Heather Sutherland, "Writing Indonesian History in the Netherlands: Rethinking the Past", Bijdragen tot de taal-, land-en volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indie, 150-Ⅳ (1994), pp. 785 - 804; "Writing History of Southeast Sumatra: A Review Article", Indonesia, 1994, No. 58 (October), pp. 103 - 108; "Believing is Seeing: Perspective on Political Power and Economic Activity in the Malay World 1700 - 1940", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, March 1995, 26, 1, pp. 133 -146.
9Ruth McVey, "Change and Continuity in Southeast Asian Studies", Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 26, 1 (March 1995), p. 8.
10L. Blusse, Strange Company: Chinese Settlers, Mestizo Women and the Dutch in VOC Batavia, Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1986.
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