
中小学教师领导力与有效教学研究 被引量:3

A Research on Primary and Middle School Teacher Leadership and the Promotion of Effective Teaching
摘要 教师领导日益成为教师发展与学校变革的核心主题,其与有效教学的关系也日益受到关注。已有研究主要探讨了教师领导的内涵与特点、教师领导与学校组织变革、教师领导的多元角色以及发展策略等方面,综合文献研究、调查研究与行动研究,着力探讨教师领导与有效教学之内在关联的研究尚未发现。教师领导涵盖了教师参与学校事务的影响力、个人在同事中的威信力和对自身教育教学工作的驾驭力等层面。研究表明,教师领导与有效教学存在内在关联,教师领导力的提高能够促进教学有效性的提升。为发展教师领导,学校需要积极变革组织,尤其是以分布式领导理念改进学校,拓展教师参与学校决策的深度与广度、积极营建教师专业学习共同体、为教师发展赋权增能,提高其专业自主性。 Teacher leading has gradually become the core theme ol teacher development and school change,and its relationship with ellective teaching has received more and more attention. Previous researches mainly locus on the connotation and characteristics ol teacher leading, teacher leading and school organization change, the multiple roles ol teacher leading and development strategies, but comprehensive literature research, survey research and action research that locus on discussing the interconnectedness between teacher leading and ellective teaching has not been lound. Teacher leading covers the inlluence ol teachers to participate in school allairs, personal prestige in colleagues, the control ol their own teaching and so on. This research shows that there is inherent correlation between teacher leading and ellective teaching and the improvement ol teacher leadership can promote ellective teaching. To develop teacher leadership, schools need to change organization actively, especially with the concept ol distributed leadership, expand the depth and breadth ol teachers ’ participation in school decision making and actively construct teacher prolessional learning community, thus give empowerment lor teacher development and improving their prolessional autonomy
作者 肖建彬 XIAO Jian-bin(Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510303,P .R.China)
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2016年第4期17-23,共7页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
基金 教育部立项课题"提高中小学教师领导力促进有效教学的实证研究"(FFB108211) 。该课题由肖建彬主持 课题组主要成员有苏鸿 古立新 李华 郭凯 胡继飞 龚孝华 王慧 谭习龙
关键词 中小学 教师领导 领导力 有效教学 primarg and middle schools teacher leading leadership ellective teaching
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