

To Leave or To Stay: the Issues to Hong Kong Schools Moved Inland During the Anti-Japaneses War——A Case Study by the Overseas Chinese Middle School of Hong Kong
摘要 1940年,在侨港立案中学内迁的问题上,国民政府与广东省政府因对学校职能的定位不同,存在意见分歧。同时,港英政府对教育业的管理渐趋严格,《校舍新例》的颁布令侨港中学处境艰难。学校内部在去留之间亦有着来自财务、人事、局势等多方面的顾虑。于是内迁计划一直未能积极运作起来。太平洋战争爆发前后,部分学校从抗战大局出发,为保存侨民教育力量,毅然选择内迁。通过收集涉及侨港立案中学内迁问题上的历史文献,还原事件中利益制衡下各方的历史面相,可以得知抗战初期香港学校乃至中国侨民教育虽身处殖民地之中,仍肩负着教学与政治的双重职能。 The KMT Central Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government were divided overthe functions of the overseas Chinese schools on the issue of the schools relocated inland in 1940. Meanwhile,the management of education from the British Hong Kong government gradually became more and morestringent. The promulgation of the “new cases of school” intensified the financial crisis of the overseasChinese schools. Thinking about the situation, the finance and the personnel, the overseas Chinese schoolsalso hesitated to decide whether to leave or stay in such a complex environment. So the moving inland plan hadnot been moved into an active operational. In the end, some overseas Chinese schools moved inland resolutelyin order to conserve the strength for the overseas Chinese education before or after the outbreak of the Pacificwar. Through using the historical documents, which regard to the question of overseas Chinese middle schoolmove inland, it can restore the balance of interests of all parties in the historical events and made aware of theChinese Hong Kong schools had to borne the burden of the dual functions by teaching and the overseasChinese Affairs in colony during the early days of the Anti-Japanese war, as well as Chinese overseas education.
作者 钟元泽 ZHONG Yuanze
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2016年第3期65-73,共9页 Modern Education Review
关键词 内迁 香港学校 国民政府 抗日战争 moved inland Hong Kong schools the KMT government the Anti-Japanese War
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