
经济地理学的研究进展与趋势—基于经济地理代表性学者的研究 被引量:2

Development of economic geography—A study on the "star" scholars in economic geography
摘要 在学术界,代表性学者和机构对学科的产生和发展起着至关重要的作用,了解其总体格局和研究趋势有助于加深我们对该学科的认识和理解。文章对1980 年~2014年海外经济地理代表性学者、机构、热点问题和研究趋势作了较为全面的分析。从研究结果中发现:(1)30 多年以来的经济地理代表性学者和机构主要来自于英、美和少数几个欧洲发达国家;(2 )亚洲经济地理学者的总影响力在国际上并不突出,在59 位经济地理代表性学者中,亚裔学者仅有4 位;(3 )近年来的研究趋势呈现出明显的演化转向,金融危机背景下的区域弹性和有关亚洲经济发展等一系列问题逐渐成为热点问题。总的来说,经济地理学不仅是一门交叉性很强的学科,而且其产生和发展与特殊时期和特殊地域背景密不可分,虽然目前的全球经济地理学仍由欧美等发达国家主导,但亚洲经济的崛起让拥有海外教育背景的亚裔学者崭露头角,或将打破垄断的僵局。 In the academic circles, the most influential scholars and institutionsplay a vital role in the development of a discipline. The identificationof these representative scholars and institutions therefore help us understandthe pattern and developmental trajectories of this discipline. This paperinvestigatesthe most influentialrepresentative scholars and institutions, identifiesthe hot issues during 1980-2014 and summarizes the research trends ofeconomic geography. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analyses, wefind: (1) the representative scholars and institutions economic geography duringthe last three decades mainly come from Britain, the United States and afew European developed countries; (2) the influence of Asian economic geographyis not yet outstanding———there are only 4 most influential Asian scholarsamongthe 59 economic geography scholars identified in this paper; (3)studies on evolutionary economic geography, regional resilience, global productionnetwork and development of developing economies have attracted much scholarlyattentionin the recent years.It suggests that the current global economic geographyis still dominated by the developed European countries but the rise ofthe Asian economies may be able to break the deadlock of monopoly.
作者 周洲 王琛 郭一琼 ZHOU Zhou;WANG Chen;GUO Yi-qiong(School of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China.)
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期48-57,共10页 World Regional Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41471101 41101112)
关键词 经济地理学 代表性学者和机构 H指数 总体格局 研究趋势 economic geography representative scholars and institutions hindex research trend China
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