

The Local Development of Organic Intellectuals and Services Based on the New Type of Think Tanks: A Case Study of Think Tanks for China Rural Policies
摘要 [目的/意义]本文主要从有机知识分子的角度来探讨新型智库该如何进行自我建设,以服务地方发展。在转型期的中国,基层的问题可谓繁多。对智库而言,利用有机知识分子的专业性与有机性,来服务地方发展是路径之一,而如何建设新型智库就成为了一个难题。一方面,智库的定位与地方发展的需要应紧密结合;另一方面,智库的发展与知识分子的有机性要结合起来。[方法/过程]本文择取了"中国农村智库发展平台"作为研究个案,以分析智库建设的要点、知识分子有效参与和地方发展需要等问题。[结果/结论 ]研究发现:新型智库要在人才引入上面下足功夫;要有针对性地依据政府要求,提供有机性的对策,以更好地服务地方发展。 [Purpose/significance] This article is written from the perspective of organic intellectuals toexplore the new type of think tanks about how to construct itself and serve the local development. In the transitionperiod of China, there are many grassroots problems. For think tanks, the use of professional and organicintellectuals to serve the local development is one of the paths. Therefore, how to build a new type of think tankshas become a problem. On the one hand, the positioning of the think tank is closely related to the need of thelocal development. On the other hand, the development of the think tank should be combined with the organicintellectuals. [Method/process] In this article, we chose “the think tanks for China rural policies” as a case studyand analyzed the think tank construction points, intellectual effective participation and local development needs.[Result/conclusion] It is found that the new type of think tanks should emphasize the talents introduction, andpropose organic countermeasures based on government requirements to provide organic solutions to better servethe local development.
作者 刘晨 周晶 Liu Chen;Zhou Jing(University of Macao, Macao 999078;Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079)
出处 《智库理论与实践》 2016年第3期59-64,72,共7页 Think Tank:Theory & Practice
关键词 知识分子 有机知识分子 新型智库 农村地区 地方发展 intellectuals organic intellectuals new type of think tanks rural areas local development
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