6Philip G.Altbach,Higher Education and the WTO:Globalization Run Amok,2001,http://www.cihe.com.
7Marco Antonio R. Dias, Some Aspects of the Impact of Globalization in Higher Education on Developing Countries,Paper presented at the First General Assembly of GUNI-AP,Zhejiang University, China, September 2002. http://www. guni - ap. zjedu, org.
8Andris Barblan, The International Provision of Higher Education : Do Universities Need GATS? , Paper presented at the First General Assembly of GUNI- AP,Zhejiang University, China, September, 2002. http: // www. guni - ap. zjedu. org.
9David Bloom, (2001), Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peril and Promise', SRHE International News,No. 46 November 2001, 22.
10Philip G. Altbach, 'Academic Freedom: International Realities and Challenges', SRHE International News, No.46 November 2001, P18.