目的:分析研究基层中医院开展髋关节置换手术的注意事项。方法:收治进行人工髋关节置换手术的患者50 例,对其临床围手术期、手术过程及术后康复效果进行回顾性分析研究。结果:临床手术以后伤口均在Ⅰ期愈合,没有出现感染。手术后1~2 周下地行走。根据Harris 评分类共90 分。出院后1 年死于其他疾病1 例。因高龄(85岁以上)需要生活护理2 例,其余47例均生活自理,生活质量较高。结论:基层中医院开展髋关节置换术应该做好术前准备工作、半髋及全髋置换的手术方案选择一定要合适以及有效预防术后感染,使患者预后及生活质量进一步提高。
Objective:To analyze and study the attention items of hip replacement surgery in basic traditional Chinese medicinehospital.Methods:50 patients with artificial hip joint replacement surgery were selected.A retrospective analysis was made on theclinical effect of perioperative period,operation process and postoperative rehabilitation of the patients.Results:After clinicaloperation,the wound healed in the first stage,and no infection occurred.They walked 1 to 2 weeks after operation.There was a totalscore 90 points according to the Harris score class.1 case died of other diseases after 1 year discharge from hospital.Due to theelderly(85 years of age or older)needed to take live care in 2 cases.The remaining 47 cases were able to take care of themselves,the quality of life was high.Conclusion:Preoperative preparation should be well done in hip joint replacement surgery in basictraditional Chinese medicine hospital.Half of the hip and total hip replacement surgery program selection must be appropriate andmake an effective prevention of postoperative infection,to further improve the prognosis and quality of life.
Zhao Yansong(Department of Integrative Orthopaedics and Traumatology,Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Heqing County 671500)
Chinese Community Doctors
Basic traditional Chinese medicine hospital
Hip joint replacement surgery
Attention items