
“补肾健脾”针刺法对绝经后骨质疏松症模型血清碱性磷酸酶水平的影响 被引量:7

Effect of acupuncture method of "invigorating the kidney and strengthening the spleen" on the level of serum alkaline phosphatase in postmenopausal osteoporosis model
摘要 目的:观察"补肾健脾"针刺法对去卵巢大鼠模型血清中碱性磷酸酶(ALP)含量的影响。方法:将32只雌鼠等分为假手术组、模型组、针刺组及雌激素组。假手术组不摘除卵巢,余3组摘除双侧卵巢,造成绝经后骨质疏松症模型。假手术组及模型组每日同时灌服等量生理盐水,针刺组针刺双侧足三里穴、肾俞穴、脾俞穴、大杼穴及命门穴、关元穴,雌激素组用己烯雌酚溶液灌胃。3个月后取股动脉血,测血清ALP含量。结果:模型组血清碱性磷酸酶含量比假手术组升高(P<0.05);针刺组与雌激素组血清ALP含量较模型组降低(P<0.01)。结论:去卵巢大鼠血清中碱性磷酸酶含量升高,形成高转换骨质疏松症模型,通过雌激素替代和针刺治疗后,血清ALP含量降低,两种治疗均能对抗高转换型骨代谢,为"补肾健脾"治疗绝经后骨质疏松症提供部分临床作用机理。 Objective:To observe the effect of acupuncture method of"invigorating the kidney and strengthening the spleen"on thecontent of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in serum of ovariectomized rats.Methods:32 female rats were divided into the shamoperation group,the model group,the acupuncture group and the estrogen group.The sham operation group did not remove theovaries,while bilateral ovaries were removed in the other 3 groups,to made postmenopausal osteoporosis model.The shamoperation group and model group were administered with equivalent saline at the same time.The acupuncture group was treated byacupuncture at bilateral Zusanli and Shenyu, Piyu points,Dazhu caveand Mingmen and Guanyuan point,and the estrogen groupwas treated with intragastric administration of diethylstilbestrol solution.Femoral artery blood was taken after 3 months,and thecontent of ALP in serum was measured.Results:The serum alkaline phosphatase levels in the model group were higher than thosein the sham operation group(P<0.05).Compared with the model group,the serum ALP levels in the acupuncture group and theestrogen group were lower than those in the model group(P<0.01).Conclusion:The content of alkaline phosphatase in serum ofovariectomized rats was increased,format a high conversion osteoporosis model,after estrogen replacement and acupuncturetreatment,the content of serum ALP decreased,both of the two treatments can resist the high conversion of bone metabolism,toprovide part of the clinical effect of acupuncture method of"invigorating the kidney and strengthening the spleen"in the treatmentof postmenopausal osteoporosis.
作者 李灿 黎喜平 陈久毅 沈骏 秧荣昆 王建 Li Can;Li Xiping;Chen Jiuyi;Shen Jun;Yang Rongkun;Wang Jian(2014 Graduate Students of College of Acupuncture and Massage,Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 550002;The First Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine 550002;The Second Department of Orthopaedics Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Bishan District,Chongqing City 402760)
出处 《中国社区医师》 2016年第24期10-11,共2页 Chinese Community Doctors
基金 贵州省原卫生厅课题(gzwkj2008-2-001) 贵州科技厅科技基金项目(黔科合J字[2008]2288) 贵州省教育厅自科项目[黔教科(2007)037]~~
关键词 绝经后骨质疏松症 “补肾健脾”针刺法 血清碱性磷酸酶 Postmenopausal osteoporosis Acupuncture method of"invigorating the kidney and strengthening the spleen" Serum alkaline phosphatase
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