
耳后给药及鼓室给药外淋巴液药物浓度的实验观察 被引量:20

Dexamethasone concentration in perilymph following post-aural or intratympanic Injection
摘要 目的研究耳后皮下注射给药、鼓室内给药后外淋巴液中地塞米松磷酸钠的药物代谢动力学特征,探讨两种给药途径的药代动力学差异。方法以地塞米松磷酸钠(10mg/ml)为药物示踪剂,将豚鼠随机分为耳后注射(耳后组)和鼓室内给药(鼓室组)2组,耳后组给药量为1ml(10mg/ml),鼓室组给药量为0.1ml(10mg/ml),分别采集耳后组给药0.25、0.5、1、2.5、5、6、8小时外淋巴液及鼓室组给药后0.5、1、2、3、4、6、8小时外淋巴液,用高效液相色谱法分别检测其中的药物浓度。结果①两种方式给药后,豚鼠外淋巴液中均可检测出地塞米松,且浓度均随时间的延长呈下降趋势;②鼓室组:给药后0.5~8h外淋巴液中均可检出有效药物成份地塞米松,3h达峰,其峰浓度(Cmax)最高为906.55mg/l,生物半衰期为1.27h。③耳后组:给药后0.25~8h可检出地塞米松,其达峰时间(Tmax)为0.25h,其峰浓度(Cmax)最高为18.83mg/l,生物半衰期为3.36h。④鼓室组给药量为0.1ml,耳后组给药量为1ml,外淋巴液中鼓室组地塞米松的浓度高于耳后组。⑤耳后组药物半衰期比鼓室给药组高。结论提示耳后皮下注射给药药物可能通过多种途径进入外淋巴,药物浓度相对鼓室给药低;鼓室给药组因避开血脑屏障及血迷路屏障故可较快进入外淋巴,保持较高药物浓度;结合临床我们可推测激素在外淋巴中可能低浓度即可起效。 Objective To compare dexamethasone concentration in the perilymph (PL) after post-aural or intratympanicinjection in guinea pigs. Methods Dexamethasone sodium phosphate (10 mg/ml) was injected post-aurally (1 ml) orintratympanically (0.1 ml) in guinea pigs. Samples of perilymph were obtained at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 6 and 8 hours afterpost-aural injection and at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 hours after intratympanic injection respectively. High-performance liquidchromatography(HPLC)was used to assay dexamethasone concentration in the samples. Results ① dexamethasone was detectedin the inner ear following both modes of injection; ② Following intratympanic injection, active pharmaceutical ingredientswere detected from 0.5 to 8 hours in the perilymph, peaking at 3 hours with a peak concentration (Cmax) of906.55mg/l and a biological half-life of 1.27 hours. ③ After post-aural injection, dexamethasone was detected from 0.25 to8 hours with a peak time (Tmax) at 0.25 hour, a Cmax at 18.83 mg/l and a biological half-life of 3.36 hours. ④ The perilymphdexamethasone concentration was lower but half-life longer after post-aural injection than after intratympanic administration.Conclusion Drugs may enter the perilymph space by various ways after post-aural injection, although drug concentrationmay be relatively lower compared to intratympanic administration. As the intratympanic route bypasses theblood-brain and blood-labyrinth barriers, drugs through this route may gain access into the perilymph faster and reach higherconcentrations than when given via post-aural injection. Clinical observation, however, seems to suggest that onset of corticoidseffects may start at a relatively low concentration in the perilymph.
作者 石茭 韩琳 李晶兢 静媛媛 郑宏伟 余力生 SHI Jiao;HAN Lin;LI Jingjing;JING Yuanyuan;ZHENG Hongwei;YU Lisheng(Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,People ’s Hospital,Peking University,Beijing 100044,China)
出处 《中华耳科学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期540-544,共5页 Chinese Journal of Otology
基金 北京大学临床研究项目 课题名称:耳后注射糖皮质激素治疗突发性耳聋的多中心、开放、随机、对照临床试验 课题编号:PUCRP201307 国家自然科学基金 课题名称:一种新的给药方式--耳后给药治疗内耳疾病的作用途径及机制研究 课题编号:81070780~~
关键词 地塞米松磷酸钠 地塞米松 耳后皮下注射 鼓室给药 药代动力学 Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Post-aural Injection Intratympanic Injection Pharmacokinetic
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