

An Analysis on Criminal Jurisprudence of QVOD Case
摘要 网络技术的开发和运用涉及刑法中的"中立行为"。运用客观归责理论否认中立行为违法性的观点,割裂了构成要件和违法性的关系,混淆了"技术开发"和"技术运用"的行为属性。犯罪构成要件承担着禁止性评价的规范功能,行为对客观要件和主观要件的符合性是刑法归责的依据。在主观要件认定中,行为反证和司法推定是判断网络技术犯罪主观故意的重要方法。在"快播案"中,快播公司及其责任人员滥用P2P技术,使公司内部服务器成为淫秽视频源,提供检索和播放服务,并通过文件碎片技术、虚置信息审查机制等方式逃避监管,符合《刑法》第363条规定的构成要件,应认定为传播淫秽物品牟利罪。在网络技术滥用的法律应对中,应完善前置性的技术操作规程,衔接不同性质的法律责任,使法律在犯罪风险控制和互联网创新保护中取得平衡。 The development and application of network technology has involved in "neutral behavior" in criminal law. The view of denying illegality of neutral behavior by using the theory of “objective imputation” separates the relationship between constitutive elements and illegality, and confuses the nature of "technology development" and "technology application". The constitutive elements of a crime undertake the function of legal prohibiting. The conformity of the behavior to the objective and subjective elements is the basis of the criminal law. In the subjective cognizance, fact-deduction and judicial reasoning are best methods to identify the intention of IT crimes. In the case of QVOD, the company and responsible persons abused the P2P technology,making the internal server a pornographic video source, providing search and playback service, which is in line with the constitutive elements of article 363 of the criminal law. Therefore, it shall be deemed to as spreading pornographic materials. In the legal response to the abuse of network technology, we should improve the technical operation rules, and link up different legal responsibilities, so as to balance the crime-risk control and technical-innovation protection.
作者 王潜
出处 《北京政法职业学院学报》 2016年第3期20-26,共7页 Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law
关键词 快播案” 中立行为 客观归责 行为反证 司法推定 QVOD case neutral behavior objective imputation act-deduction judicial reasoning
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