
基于不确定寿命的不可修冷贮备系统可靠性分析 被引量:4

Reliability Analysis of Unrepairable Cold Standby Systems Based on Lifetime Uncertainty
摘要 针对无大量样本存在的不可修冷贮备系统,假设各部件寿命为相互独立的非负不确定变量,建立了3类不可修冷贮备系统可靠性的基本数学模型,即转换开关完全可靠情形的不可修冷贮备系统、开关寿命0-1型的不可修冷贮备系统以及开关寿命连续型的不可修冷贮备系统.分别对这3类不可修冷贮备系统进行可靠性分析,给出此3类冷贮备系统可靠度及平均寿命的具体数学表达式,并给出了数值算例. When there are not enough samples for the lifetime of unrepairable cold standby systems,the lifetimes of components in the cold standby systems were used as independent and nonnegative uncertainty variables in this research.The basic mathematical models of three unrepairable cold standby systems were developed.They are the unrepairable cold standby system with absolutely reliable conversion switches,the unrepairable cold standby system with 0-1 mode conversion switches,and the unrepairable cold standby system with continuous mode conversion switches.Reliability analysis of the three unrepairable cold standby systems was conducted,respectively,and the expressions of reliability and mean time to failure(MTTF)of the three cold standby systems were realized.Finally,some numerical examples were given for illustration.
作者 刘颖 马瑶 王林 LIU Ying;MA Yao;WANG Lin(College of Computer Science and Information Engineering,Tianjin University of Science & Technology,Tianjin 300222,China)
出处 《天津科技大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期74-78,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11301382) 天津科技大学青年教师创新基金资助项目(2014CXLG28)
关键词 不确定理论 不可修系统 可靠度 平均寿命 冷贮备系统 uncertainty theory unrepairable systems reliability mean time to failure cold standby system
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