
在离散观测和反馈延迟下的混杂随机系统镇定(英文) 被引量:1

Stabilisation of hybrid stochastic systems under discrete observation and sample delay
摘要 对混杂随机系统的状态反馈控制近年来引起了广泛的关注.一个更现实也更经济的情况是对状态的观测不是连续时间而是离散时间的.同时,现实中绝大多数的观测和反馈系统都或多或少会存在时滞现象.因此,讨论这种基于离散时间观测同时带有观测反馈时滞的混杂随机系统的反馈控制是很有意义的.特别地,通过使用一个李雅普诺夫泛函,不仅可以得到H无穷稳定、渐近稳定和指数稳定,而且还能显著地改善对时滞上界的要求.本文是文献[20]工作的深入和推广. State feedback controls for hybrid stochastic differential equations have attracted lots of attention in recent years. It is more economic and practical that the states are observed at discrete time instead of continuous time. In addition,most observations and feedback systems have some time delays in practice. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate feedback controls based on discrete-time observations with sample delays for hybrid systems. In this paper, exponential stabilisations both in H1 and asymptotical sense are discussed using Lyapunov functionals. The upper bound of the delay time is also improved. This work is devoted as a continuous research to Ref. [20].
作者 邱亲伟 刘暐 胡良剑 陆见秋 QIU Qin-wei;LIU Wei;HU Liang-jian;LU Jian-qiu(College of Information Sciences and Technology, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China;Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;Department of Applied Mathematics, Donghua Univerisity, Shanghai 201620, China;Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XT, UK)
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1023-1030,共8页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11471071) Natural Science Fundation of Shanghai(14ZR1401200) Shanghai Pujiang Program(16PJ1408000) Natural Science Fund of Shanghai Normal University(SK201603)
关键词 离散时间观测 反馈延迟 李雅普诺夫泛函 随机控制系统 H无穷稳定 渐近稳定 指数稳定 discrete-time state observation sample delay Lyapunov functional stochastic control system H1 stability asymptotically stability exponential stability
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