

Indoor map matching method based on link table
摘要 地图匹配算法能有效地提升定位精度,是定位技术不可或缺的一部分。为提高路径匹配正确率,并适应室内定位环境,提出一种基于路径表的室内地图匹配方法,在传统地图匹配方法的基础上建立一个路径表存放候选路径的信息,每次路径匹配时,都从表中选取具有最优权重值的路径进行匹配。在匹配过程中多处设置查错和纠错机制,即使在出现匹配错误的情况下,也能及时从路径表中重新选取正确路径。较强的查错和纠错功能使其特别适合用于室内复杂环境下的地图匹配。实验结果表明,与传统的地图匹配方法比较,能有效地提升匹配精确度。 Map matching algorithm is an indispensable step of positioning technology. It can obviously improve the positioning accuracy. In order to improve the accuracy of map matching and apply to indoor positioning situation, an indoor map matching method based on link table is proposed. This method establishes a link table to deposit the information of candidate links based on traditional map matching, and selects the most likely correct link from the link table when it needs. Due to the mechanism of error checking and recovering, this method can reselect the correct link from link table when the mismatching happens. The function of these mechanism makes this method especially suitable for the complex indoor environments. Experimental results show that, compared with traditional map matching approaches, this method can obviously improve the map matching accuracy.
作者 唐顺彪 卢元元 TANG Shunbiao;LU Yuanyuan(College of Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518060, China)
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第21期222-228,共7页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 深圳市基础研究计划重点项目(No.JC201005250067A)
关键词 路径表 室内地图匹配 室内定位 拓扑法 link table indoor map matching indoor positioning topological approach
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