
反相高效液相色谱法测定黄褐斑皮肤表面角鲨烯和亚油酸含量 被引量:5

The detection of squalene and linoleic acid in the sebum of chloasma by reversedphase high performance liquid chromatography
摘要 目的:采用反向高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)分析测定皮肤表层的角鲨烯和亚油酸的含量,探讨黄褐斑患者与健康人之间皮脂组成的差异性。方法:样本中亚油酸和角鲨烯采用正己烷液相萃取后,用反相柱以等度洗脱分离,并在210nm处分析两组亚油酸和角鲨烯的含量。1角鲨烯组:采集25例黄褐斑患者组及28例健康对照组的皮脂进行测定角鲨烯含量,并进行比较;2亚油酸组:采集20例黄褐斑患者及20例健康对照者的皮脂进行测定亚油酸含量,并进行比较。结果:黄褐斑组皮脂中的角鲨烯和亚油酸含量明显低于健康对照组(P<0.05),差异有统计学意义。结论:黄褐斑的发病机制中,皮脂腺分泌的皮脂组分改变是其中的一个重要因素。 Objective Using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) analyze the content of skin surface squalene and linoleic acid, explore the composition of sebum melasma between patients and healthy people differences.Methods The specimens were handled and last analyzed by HPLC, to obtain the content of linoleic acid and squalene in both groups at 210 nm. ①We detected the squalene content. Sebum lipids were sampled from 25 chloasma patients group and 28 healthy control group. The squalene content were detected and compared between two groups.②We detected the linoleic acid content. Sebum lipids were sampled from 20 chloasma patients group and 20 healthy control group. The linoleic acid content were detected and compared between two groups. Results Statistical significance was found that the content of squalene and linoleic acid of chloasma subjects was significant below than that seen in healthy subjects(P <0.05). Conclusion Pathogenesis of melasma, the change of sebum components in sebaceous glands and excreted on the skin surface was an important factor.
作者 程丽雪 张华 于虹敏 俞洁 程波 王曦 罗丹 林舒 Cheng Li-xue;ZHANG Hua;YU Hong-min;YU Jie;CHENG Bo;WANG Xi;LUO Dan;LIN Shu(The Hospital Branch of Dermatology and Venereology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350000,Fujian,China;Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fuzhou 350000,Fujian,China)
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2016年第10期73-76,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
基金 2013~2016年度福建省中医药科研项目(编号wzpw201311)
关键词 RP-HPLC 黄褐斑 皮脂 角鲨烯 亚油酸 RP-HPLC chloasma sebum squalene linoleic acid
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