Characters analysis in regard to the tre n d , curvature and b ifu rc a tio n o f re tin a l vessels in fundus has become the im po rtan t meanso f system ic vascular diseases diagnosis in m e dicine science. Because o f m ost collecte d fundus images has the phenom enon o f lig h tunevenness, it is d iffic u lt to use tra d itio n a l vessel segm entation methods to detect the m icro vessels. Therefore we proposed a segm entationa lg o rith m , it is based on the im proved Hessian m a trix enhancem ent and m orphological scale space. F ir s t, by using Gauss fu n c tio n thea lg o rith m constructs m u lti-sca le Hessian enhanced f ilt e r , and uses a novel vascular s im ila rity fu n c tio n to carry out the contrast enhancem ent onvascular n e tw o rk , w h ile smoothes the image to w eaken noise as w e ll; then it extracts the vessels fro m background using an im proved T o p-h attransform ation scale space, and introduces m orphological re construction m ethod to fu rth e r h ig h lig h t the vascular pixels and to e lim in a te thepseudo-edges and the noise o f o u tlie rs; fin a lly the a lgo rithm uses secondary thresho ld ing approach to realise fin a l vessel segm entation.S im u la tio n experim ental results showed that w h ile ensuring the accurate segm entation o f great vessels and c h o ro id , the im proved segm entationm ethod can be tter realise the segm entation o f m icro vessels.
Yu Hui;Wang Xiaopeng(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070 , Gansu, China)
Computer Applications and Software