M a licio u s ap plication s o f repackaged types are generated by in je c tin g the m a licio us code in to norm al a p p lic a tio n s , w hichaccounts fo r a large percentage o f m a licio us ap plication s in A n d ro id platform s. To solve th is p ro b le m , we propose a behaviour-based detectionscheme fo r A n d ro id repackaged a p p lica tio n . The scheme uses the software architectu re w ith cloud c o lla b o ra tio n , analyses in the cloud thebehaviou r patterns on norm al ap plication s based on short sequences o f system calls so that form s a norm al behaviour pa ttern database. Inte rm in a l d e vice , it downloads fro m the cloud the norm al behaviour pattern databases w ith the application s in s ta lle d , m onitors the system ca llsequences w ith the ap plication s in s ta lle d , and calculates th e ir abnorm al rate. E xperim enta l re sult shows that the proposed m ethod is e ffe c tiv e ,and it can accurately id e n tify the m a licio us repackaged application s.
Huan Ziqiang;Guo Zhichuan;Ni Hong;Hu Linlin(National Network New Media Engineering Research Center, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100049, China)
Computer Applications and Software