

Analysis of Zhang Juzheng's Image in Final Words on the Sickbed by Gao Gong
摘要 《病榻遗言》是明代隆庆至万历年间,内阁大臣高拱致仕后去世前所写的文献。其中,有大量篇幅回忆其与张居正共事情景。在《病榻遗言》中,高拱对张居正的才学、官声操守、争功夺权等方面给予了充分的肯定,二人在学术思想、政治理念等方面有着共同的认知。但是在张居正的官声操守方面,高拱并不认同张居正的用人原则,并且对张居正收受贿赂、以权谋私的行为提出了严厉的批评。指出张居正为了达到自己的政治利益,不断争功夺权,与宦官勾结,必将对明朝政治毒害极深。 Final Words on the Sickbed is literature from the period of Longqing to Wanli years of Ming Dynasty, which was written by Cabinet Minister Gao Gong during his life time from his retirement from officialdom till his death. In the book, there are a lot of chapters about his memories of working together with Zhang Juzheng. Through Gao Gong 's record in Final Words on the Sickbed, we can analyze his evaluation and cognition on Zhang Juzheng about zhang 爷 s talent, official conduct, power struggle and so on. Gao Gong gave full affirmation to Zhang Juzheng's talent. The two shared in academic thoughts and political philosophy. However, in terms of Zhang Juzheng 爷 s official conduct, Gao Gong did not not agree with Zhang Juzheng 爷 s employment principle, and gave harsh criticism to Zhang Juzheng for his conduct on accepting bribes, abusing of power. In addition, Gao Gong thought Zhang Juzheng was bound to bring terrible influence on the politics of the Ming Dynasty due to his constant struggle for power, and collude with the eunuch in achieving his own political interests.
作者 韩梦丽 HAN Meng-li(School of Ethnology and Sociology, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan Hubei 430070,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第12期90-93,共4页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
关键词 《病榻遗言》 高拱 张居正 隆庆改革 Final Words on the Sickbed Gao Gong Zhang Juzheng Long Qing Reform
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