Based on the study results of the structure conceptual d e s ig n,the m echanics analysis andthe stru ctu ra l perform ance tests of a scale m o d e l, a lig h t-w e ig h t conceptual design of the fuselagestructures of a novel m anned spacecraft was presented. The flexible com posite m em branes were employed to construct the large-area the rm a l pro te ct structure of the m anned spacecraft fuselage. A spatial truss structural system and a novel jo in t connection form w ere used to design the lig h t - w eightbearing structure of the m anned spacecraft fuselage. An integrated scheme in c lu d in g the rig id barsand the fle x ib le cables was proposed to design the connection system betw een the m anned spacecraftfuselage and the fueltank . The design scheme was analyzed w ith F E M software ANSYS ,and them ech an ical properties of the structure w ere e va lu ated . The scale m odel of the bearing structure of them anned spacecraft fuselage was developed fo r the structural perfor ance tests, and the FEManalysism odel and results were validated . The research achievem ents m ay provide a design reference for the light-weight fuselage structures of a novel m anned spacecraft.
XU Yan;ZHENG Yao;ZHOU Sheng(School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;660 Missile Design Institute, Hongdu Aviation Industry Group LTD., Nanchang 330024,China)
Manned Spaceflight