
一种长行程小型化对接机构设计与分析 被引量:4

Design and Analysis of a Long-stroke and Miniaturized Docking Mechanism
摘要 针对故障航天器和太空垃圾的在线对接与操作问题,基于非合作目标对接技术的要求和特点,提出了一种以卫星远地点发动机喷管为对接接口的长行程小型化的对接机构方案。设计了对接机构的具体结构并建立其三维模型,并根据此模型,对对接机构的包络范围进行了求解分析;使用ADAMS软件对机构进行了动力学仿真,研究了对接过程中目标喷管的运动学特性,分析了末端机构与目标的碰撞接触情况及机械臂中各关节受力情况。计算与仿真结果表明:所提对接机构能够对目标进行有效、可靠的对接。 To realize the onlined ocking and operation of failed spacecraft o r space d e b ris , a m in ia turize d lo ng -stro ke do c k in g m echanism was proposed acco rding to the requirem ents and the characteris tic s of the non-cooperative docking te ch nolog y. The do c k in g target was the effuse of a sa te llite onthe G E O . The thre e -d im e n sio n a l m odel of the do c k in g m echanism was esta blished . On the basis ofthe m o d e l, the range of the envelope space of the d o c k in g m echanism was d e te rm in e d . The k in e m a ticand dyn am ic sim u la tio n were perform ed fo r the do c k in g m echanism using A D A M S to id e n tify thedynam ic characteristics of the d o c k in g process between the target sa te llite and the do c k in g m echanis m , the contact force between the effuse and the end effector and the stress on the jo in ts d u rin g thedo c k in g process. The sim u la tio n results showed that the m in ia tu riz e d long stroke d o c k in g m echanismcou ld capture the target sate llite e ffe c tiv e ly and re lia b ly .
作者 李隆球 邵广斌 周德开 刘伟民 王敬轩 LI Longqiu;SHAO Guangbin;ZHOU Dekai;LIU Weimin;WANG Jingxuan(School of Mechatronics Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China;State Key Laboratory of Robotics and System, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)
出处 《载人航天》 CSCD 2016年第6期758-765,共8页 Manned Spaceflight
基金 上海市空间飞行器机构重点实验室开放课题基金资助项目(06DZ22105)
关键词 长行程小型化 非合作目标 对接机构 long-stroke and miniaturized non-cooperative target docking mechanism
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