
汽车后排乘员保护——回顾与展望(英文) 被引量:3

Rear Seat Occupant Protection: What Do We Know and What is the Future?
摘要 事故数据显示,汽车后排乘员保护未能跟上前排乘员安全进步的步伐,可能因为其使用率不高和没有使用先进的安全技术。该文综述了后排乘员保护,旨在解决后排乘员多样化(从需要儿童座椅的儿童到不同身高、年龄和体型的成年人)造成的不同安全需求。基于事故数据分析、实验研究和计算机模拟的结果,正确使用适龄儿童约束系统和引入可调节、高级、或自适应的约束系统可以改善后排乘员安全。然而,缺乏具有足够人体真实度的代表儿童、老年人、和肥胖者的损伤评估工具或将成为进一步改善后排乘员安全的主要挑战之一。老年人和肥胖人口的比例增加、轻型车辆的增长、智能手机打车服务的普及、以及主动安全和无人驾驶车辆技术的进步将可能增加后座安全的重要性,同时也会对后排乘员保护带来额外的挑战。因而,未来需努力优化适应各种碰撞工况、乘员特性和坐姿的后排乘员约束系统。 Field data analyses have shown that the occupant protection in rear seats failed to keep pace with the advances in front seats likely due to their low occupancy and the lack of advanced safety technologies. This study provided a comprehensive literature review on rear seat occupant protection addressing the different needs for a diverse population, ranging from children in harness restraints to adults with a wide range of stature,age, and body shape. Based on the findings from field data analyses, experimental studies, and computational simulations, rear seat safety can be improved by properly using age-appropriate child restraints and introducing adjustable/advanced/adaptive features into the rear seat restraint systems. However, the lack of biofidelic injury assessment tools for children, older, and/or obese occupants will be one of the major challenges for further improving the rear seat safety. The increased proportion of older and obese populations, the growth of lightweightvehicles, the popularity of smart-phone-based ride service, and the advances in active safety technology and autonomous vehicles will likely increase the significance of rear seat safety but at the same time will poseadditional challenges. All these trends suggested that more efforts on optimizing rear seat restraint systems adapting to a wide range of impact conditions, occupant characteristics and sitting postures are necessary in the future.
作者 胡敬文 HU Jingwen(University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute;Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 418109, USA)
出处 《汽车安全与节能学报》 CAS CSCD 2016年第4期339-354,共16页 Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy
基金 The financial support from NHTSA on previous rear seat safety research
关键词 汽车安全 后排乘员保护 多样化人群 安全带 安全气囊 乘员约束系统优化 无人驾驶车辆 vehicle safety rear seat occupant protection diverse population seatbelt airbag restraint system optimization autonomous vehicle
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