
脑动静脉循环时间在重度颈动脉狭窄诊断和评估中的应用价值 被引量:2

Diagnostic value of cerebral circulation time by DSA in patients with severe carotid artery stenosis
摘要 目的:采用数字减影脑血管造影测量正常人和重度颈动脉狭窄患者的脑动静脉循环时间,探讨其在重度颈动脉狭窄诊断和评估中的应用价值。方法:选取36例正常人数字减影脑血管造影图像,测定脑动静脉循环时间,同时测定24例重度颈动脉狭窄(狭窄率≥70%)患者的脑动静脉循环时间,采用独立样本t检验比较二者的差别。结果:正常人脑动静脉循环时间为(6.01±0.50)s;颈动脉重度狭窄患者的患侧脑动静脉循环时间为(6.60±0.56)s,高于正常人,差异有统计学意义(t=4.264,P<0.05)。结论:采用脑血管造影进行脑血管疾病诊断时计算脑动静脉循环时间简单、准确、易行,可作为初步评估脑组织灌注的参考指标;颈动脉重度狭窄患者患侧的脑动静脉循环时间延长,提示脑组织供血延迟。 Objective: To calculate the cerebral circulation time by subtract angiography of brain vascular in both normal people and patients with severe carotid artery stenosis, and evaluate its application in patients with severe carotid artery stenosis. Methods: Thirty-six normal subjects’ cerebral circulation time was calculated bydigital subtract angiography of brain vascular, and was compared with that of 24 severe carotid artery stenosis (rate ofstenosis≥70%) patients by independent-samples t test. Results: The normal cerebral circulation time was (6.01±0.50)seconds while the patients cerebral circulation time was (6.60±0.56) seconds, which was statistically significantlonger than that of normal subjects(t=4.264, P<0.05). Conclusions: It is easy and accurate to measure the cerebral circulation time by digital subtract angiography, which can be an index for assessing cerebral perfusion. The cerebral circulation time of patients with severe carotid artery stenosis was longer than that of normal people, which indicates delayed blood supply.
作者 杨伟利 胡乃东 Yang Weili;Hu Naidong(Department of Radiology, Beijing Civil Aviation General Hospotal, Beijing 100020, China;Department of Tumor Interventional Radiology, Dongzhimen Hospotal Eastern Affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 101121, China.)
出处 《中华介入放射学电子杂志》 2016年第3期146-149,共4页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology:electronic edition
关键词 颈动脉重度狭窄 脑动静脉循环时间 数字减影血管造影 诊断 Severe carotid artery stenosis Cerebral circulation time Digital subtract angiography Diagnosis
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