
尊重科学规律 不断求实创新 被引量:9

Respect the law of science and constantly seeking truth and innovation
摘要 作为自然科学的重要分支,医学所要探索的不仅仅是机体各系统的功能和机制、把握其普遍规律,还要研究在病理状态下如何顺应、保护和恢复这些规律。医学的不断发展和进步是基于不断掌握机体生物学规律并进行有效顺应和保护的科学创新活动。骨科医生也应在尊重科学规律的基础上,不断求实创新,力做医学创新的引领者。微创顺势复位理论即是在不破坏骨折断端及其周围软组织的生物活性的基础上,顺应肢体的机械轴线、肌肉的运行轨迹和四肢长骨牵引力的分布规律来复位骨折。根据顺势理论复位骨折,不仅顺应人体骨骼正常生理曲度和特性,并且可以最大限度避免医源性二次损害、保证骨折愈合,已成为获得最佳临床疗效的重要方法和手段。 As an important subject of natural science, medicine aim to investigate the function and mechanism of human system and explore its general rules, further more to adapt, protect and restore these rules in pathological conditions. The development of medicine is based on scientific innovation through mastering, complying and protecting human biological rules. Orthopedics should constantly seek truth and innovation respecting the nature of science, and pursue to become a medical innovation leader. Homeopathic reduction theory conforms to the mechanical axis of human limb, muscle running track and stresses distribution that fracture reduction can be achieved without damaging the biological activities of fractures and surrounding tissues. This theory conform to physiological curvature and characteristics of bones that outmost avoid the secondary iatrogenic damage thus promote fracture healing. Homeopathic reduction theory has became an optimal and effective method to obtain the best clinical effect.
作者 张英泽 Zhang Yingze(Key Laboratory of Orthopaedic Biomechanics of Hebei Province, the Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Orthopaedic Research Institution of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050051, China)
出处 《中华老年骨科与康复电子杂志》 2017年第1期1-3,共3页 Chinese Journal of Geriatric Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation(Electronic Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金(81572125)
关键词 微创外科手术 顺势复位 创新 Minimally invasive surgical procedure Homeopathic reduction innovation
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