
填埋场渗沥液污染地下环境及防污屏障立项报告 被引量:1

Leachate's Influence on the Underground Environ-ment and the Antifouling Barrier Initial Report
摘要 我国生活垃圾的含水率高,渗沥液产量大,填埋场内渗沥液浸润线普遍偏高。同时,不同时代建设的垃圾填埋场防渗系统层次不齐,很多都存在发生渗漏的风险。渗沥液渗漏的条件、方式;渗漏后污染物的迁移-弥散过程及浓度与范围的预测;针对渗漏的污染防治措施都是非常关注的重要问题。该课题着重针对渗沥液及其污染物击穿防污屏障过程及在地下环境中的扩散问题,在污染物和颗粒之间的界面行为,渗漏的优势流方式,渗漏过程的模拟实验,渗漏后的防治技术,渗漏的指示性有机污染的示踪方面将进行重点的研究和分析。认为我国垃圾填埋场渗沥液的渗漏可能会出现劣化型渗漏、集中型渗漏、全面型的渗漏3种类型。针对这3种类型的渗漏现象将提出一些预测、防治的新原理和新方法,旨在为我国既有填埋场环境灾害防控和新建可持续填埋场建设提供科学依据。 For the high moisture content of domestic waste and the large production of leachate in China,the saturation lineof leachate in landfill is generally high.At the same time,the level of waste landfill’s seepage control system constructedin different times is greatly various,so many of them exist the risk of leakage.The conditions and ways of leakage,themigration-dispersion process after leakage,the forecast for concentration and range of pollutants and the control measures ofpollutions against leakage are very important issues of concern.This subject focuses on leachate,the breakdown process of antifoulingbarrier and dispersion problems in the underground environment.The interface behavior between pollutants andgranules,the preferential flow of leakage,simulation experiment in the process of leakage,the control techniques afterleakage,the tracer of indicative organic pollution of leakage have been focused research and analysis.It is believed that theleakage of waste landfill’s leachate in China may occur deterioration type,concentrated type and comprehensive type.Forthese3types of leakage,we present some new principles and methods of forecast and prevention,aiming at offering scientificbasis for the environmental disasterous prevention and control of existing landfill and the construction of new sustainablelandfill in China.
作者 朱伟 胡黎明 Zhu Wei;Hu Liming(Hohai University;Tsinghua University)
机构地区 河海大学 清华大学
出处 《科技资讯》 2016年第31期186-186,共1页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 固体废弃物 渗沥液 防污屏障 渗漏 污染物 迁移-弥散 Solid waste Leachate Antifouling barrier Leakage Contaminant Migration-dispersion
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