
香港“《译丛》丛书”与中国当代文学“走向世界”——译介模式及传播启示 被引量:9

The Renditions Series and Modern Chinese Literature's “Going-out”: Its Model and Enlightenment of Translation, Communication and Dissemination
摘要 在中国文学"走出去"国家战略性工程中,当代文学对外译介与传播所面临的困境具有代表性。作为经典个案,香港"《译丛》丛书"为此提供了"文学外传"的有效译介模式:作为译介主体的编译者群体由跨文化背景的中外人士组成;译介内容兼顾"两岸三地",体裁广泛,女性作家作品得到重点推介;译介方法既注重文学文本的审美传达,又多方面拓宽传播渠道;译介受众定位于海外普通读者和专业读者;良好的译介效果体现在可观的销量、海外馆藏率及认可度。香港"《译丛》丛书"译介模式的成功经验,为中国当代文学"走向世界"提供了5点启示:坚持多元文化身份的中外翻译家合作;坚持文学选材的兼收并蓄与文学品位;积极拓宽各种传播渠道;准确定位、不断扩大海外读者群;聚焦、分析译介效果,及时调整、完善译介模式的相关环节。 In the process of Chinese Literature's 'Going-out' project, it is typical of the dilemma faced by the external translation and dissemination of modern Chinese literature. The Renditions Series serves as a classical case of providing an effective model of 'literature's overseas distribution'. The successful experience of its translating-cum-disseminating model can be concluded as follows: all the translators are from China and overseas with cross-cultural background; the selection of translation is stylistically far-ranging among the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and feminine literature in modern China is highly valued; translating method aims at convoying the original literary aesthetics, and disseminating channels are manifold; the foreign recipients are common and professional readers; the eminent effects can be proved by its considerable sales, library collections and acceptance in the target countries and regions. From the successful model of translation of Renditions Series, five implications can be made out for the modern Chinese literature's 'Going-global': domestic and overseas translators cooperate well with all-round cultural identities; the selection holds onto diversification and literary character; various spreading channels should be broadened; target readers should be accurately located and continuously widened; translating and disseminating effects can be focused on and analyzed, so as to adjust and improve the corresponding sections in the model.
作者 葛文峰
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2016年第5期58-70,共13页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:"香港‘<译丛>文丛’的中国文学译介研究"(项目编号:2016JX002) 安徽省高校优秀青年人才支持计划重点项目:"中国文化‘走向世界’的译介模式--香港<译丛>杂志研究"(项目编号:gxyq ZD2016409)的研究成果
关键词 香港“《译丛》丛书” 中国当代文学 译介模式 传播启示 文学翻译 走出去 Renditions Series modern Chinese literature model of translation & communication enlightenment of dissemination literature translation Going-out
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