2Seymour Martin Lipset, The First New Nation. The United States in Historical and Comparative Perspective, N.Y. . Basic Books, 1963.
3Dean Jaensch, Power Politics ; Australia's Party System, St Leonard's. Allen & Unwin, 1994.
4David G. Marr, Vietnamese Tradition on Trial, 1920 - 1945, Berkeley . University of California Press, 1981.
5George McT. Kahin, Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ithaca. Cornell University Press, 1952.
6Benedict R. O' G. Anderson, Imagined Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London . Verso, 1983.
7Thomas Engelbert and Christopher E. Goscha, Fall- ing Out of Touch. A Study on Vietnamese Communist Policy to- wards an Emerging Cambodian Communist Movement, 1930 - 1975, Clayton. Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash U- niversity, 1995.