
基于预约诊疗模式下的医院网络安全设计 被引量:3

Design of hospital network security based on reservation and treatment mode
摘要 针对在预约诊疗模式下医院网络的安全性不强,容易导致病人隐私信息泄露的问题,进行医院网络安全设计,基于隐私保护路由协议,提出预约诊疗模式下的医院网络安全设计方法。首先构建医院网络体系结构模型,设计预约诊疗模式下的医院网络路由协议;然后采用网络诊疗信息融合方法进行隐私保护设计,实现医院网络安全设计;最后通过仿真实验进行性能测试。仿真实验结果表明,构架的预约诊疗模式下的医院网络模型对病人的隐私信息保护能力较强,说明抵御攻击性能较好,保障了医院网络安全。 Since the hospital network security based on reservation and treatment mode is poor,and easy to leak the pa?tient privacy information,the hospital network security was designed. On the basis of the privacy protection routing protocol,the design method of the hospital network security based on reservation and treatment mode is put forward. The hospital network ar?chitecture model was constructed. The hospital network routing protocol based on reservation and treatment mode was designed.The network treatment information fusion method is used to design the privacy protection to realize the hospital network security.The performance of the model was tested with simulation experiment. The result shows that the hospital network model based on reservation and treatment mode has strong privacy information protection capability for patients and good performance to against the attacks,and guarantees the hospital network security.
作者 孙琳 潘登 刘荻 SUN Lin;PAN Deng;LIU Di(Beijing Tongren Hospital,Capital Medical University,Beijing 100730,China)
出处 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2017年第3期82-84,88,共4页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 预约诊疗模式 医院网络安全 隐私保护 信息融合 reservation and treatment mode hospital network security privacy protection information fusion
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