

Post-Modern Leader-Follower Relationship in the Psychoanalysis Perspectives
摘要 在领导理论研究中批判地考察西方后现代时代流行的领导模型思想无疑具有十分重要的意义。在这方面,心理学精神分析学派的发展,尤其是拉康的思想,为领导理论的批判研究提供了独特的视角。从精神分析的创始人弗洛伊德思想开始,经过客体关系理论的过渡,最后上升到对拉康概念化的比较和分析,在如此既接续又不同的精神分析视野中借鉴国外领导理论的相关成果,批判地探讨当今西方后现代社会最为流行的领导模型中普遍倡导的某些领导关系特点,挑战正统领导理论中最基础的关于自我的假设,提出了非连贯性自我的概念,揭示了领导和管理理论研究中拓扑形态思想的重要性。通过精神分析的话语论述这些领导和管理领域中新的启发和独特观点,旨在将工作场所中领导关系的精微层面带入我国管理学研究的理论视域,期待与中国古典管理思想更为契合的理论化路径,从而能够为中西管理比较研究,为我国以"关系"为特色的领导和管理实践提供理论参考。 A critical examination on prevalent leadership models is vital in the leadership research.In thisarea,the development of psychoanalytic school represented by Lacanian provides a unique perspective for theresearch of the critical examination on leadership.With wide explanatory power and a potential for thinking aboutleadership practice in structural ways,psychoanalytic contributions to the study of leadership are widely exploredin prolific English publications.Under the inspiration of some of the innovative findings in these literatures,thisarticle advances the field of research by organizing certain features of leader-follower relationships within acontinuous yet different psychoanalytic frame of thoughts,starting from Freud to the complexity of Lacanianconceptualization.By engaging the range of these psychoanalysis variations,this article re-questions the selfassumptionin the mainstream leadership theory and contests a more profound comprehension of leadershipinformed by the Lacanian psychoanalytic theory as a paradigm for bringing more subtle aspects of leadership intodiscussions.
作者 苏东 李隽波 SU Dong;LI Jun-bo(Guilin University of Technology Guilin 541004 China)
机构地区 桂林理工大学
出处 《电子科技大学学报(社科版)》 2017年第1期86-91,共6页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 桂林理工大学博士基金(01368) 北京市教委社科计划面上项目(05011011200104)
关键词 拉康 客体关系理论 弗洛伊德精神分析 领导模型 人本主义 科层制/官僚制 扁平组织 Lacan object relation theory Freud psychoanalysis leadership model humanism bureaucracy flat organization
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