
广东省高速公路边坡仰斜排水孔淤堵特征研究 被引量:2

Research on Clogging Features of Highway Slope Inclined Drainage Holes in Guangdong Province
摘要 边坡排水孔淤堵或者失效,会危及到边坡的稳定性和公路交通安全,而边坡仰斜排水孔依据淤堵成因分为机械、化学、生物、综合4类,各类淤堵有其具体特征。针对不同淤堵成因的排水孔需采用不同的排水管和养护措施,因此系统掌握各个地区边坡仰斜排水孔运行现状和淤堵特征是养护的前提和必要条件。广东省高速公路边坡仰斜排水孔淤堵甚至失效的现象分布广泛,尤其在工程地质复杂与地下水丰富的区段。通过系统调研广东典型高速公路边坡仰斜排水孔现状,总结了在不同地区不同地层边坡排水孔的淤堵状况和淤堵特征,引导广东省公路边坡仰斜排水孔的设计和养护工作。 The clogging or failure of slope drainage holes will bring dangers to the slope stability and road traffic safety. The causes of drainage holes clogging are divided into mechanical clogging, chemical clogging, biological clogging and comprehensive clogging. Different drains and maintaining measures are adopted to deal with the corresponding clogging, so it’s premise and necessary to find out the clogging features of inclined drainage holes. The problem of clogging and failure of inclined drainage holes have been found in different places, especially in those sections with complicated engineering geological conditions and rich underground water in Guangdong Province. The summary of clogging features of highway slope inclined drainage holes has been mainly introduced in this paper, which could be used as references to the design and maintenance of slope drainage holes.
作者 林海山 张彦龙 田卿燕 郝钟钰 LIN Haishan;ZHANG Yanlong;TIAN Qingyan;HAO Zhongyu(Guangdong Hualu Transport Technology Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510420)
出处 《广东公路交通》 2016年第6期51-54,共4页 Guangdong Highway Communications
基金 广东省交通运输厅科技项目(编号:2013-02-021)
关键词 公路边坡 仰斜排水孔 淤堵原因 淤堵特征 边坡稳定性 highway slope inclined drainage holes clogging causes clogging features slope stability
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