In Beijing, air pollution during the heating season is much more severe than that in non-heating seasons. In order to study the air pollution condition in typical regions, and thus to formulate the pollution controlling countermeasure more specifically, we collected and analyzed the concentration monitoring data of four typical contaminants (PM2.5, SO2, NOx and O3) as well as the meteorological data from online monitoring points (North suburban station Badaling, South suburban station Yongledian, Urban center station Temple of Heaven, Traffic monitoring station Yongding Gate Avenue) during the first month of heating season in 2014(which is from Nov. 15 to Dec 14). The results showed that PM2.5 (with the daily average concentration between 61.75~143.81μg?m-3) were the main contaminants in each zone. In aspect of space distribution, the Beijing southeast Yongledian area detected thehighest concentrations, followed by the urban traffic roads and the downtown areas. And only the Northwest Beijing Badaling areahad the relatively lower PM2.5 concentrations that were under the secondary standard limitation. The major air contaminants varied intypical regions. During the heating season, the major air contaminant in Northwest Beijing Badaling area is SO2, affected by thecoal-fired heating activities, leading to a lowest concentration is 29.09 μg?m-3 in noon and higher concentrations between 58.8~63.19μg?m-3 in night. Because of the contaminant dispersion from upwind downtown area and the local area discharging, PM2.5, and NOxare the major air contaminants in the Beijing southeast Yongledian area. NOx discharged by vehicles and its secondary pollutant O3contribute most to the air contamination in Yongding Gate Avenue, where the changing of pollutant concentrations are obviouslyrelated to the motor vehicle traffic. The impacts from meteorological conditions to different contaminant concentrations are varied.With gentle breeze, non-continuous wind or low atmospheric diffusion, the concentrations of PM2.5 in the monitoring points showedaccumulating states, which is not observed on SO2, NOx and O3 (even though their peak concentrations were significantly increased).When there were switching from north wind and breezing with higher atmospheric diffusion, concentrations of SO2 and NOx from all monitoring points did not change much; the concentrations of PM2.5 at Southeast area would noticeably increase when the diffusion condition became worse. As for the monitoring point at Yongding Gate Avenue, the concentrations of typical contaminants discharge by vehicles, such as NOx and O3, had remarkable daily fluctuation as the weather changing.
TAO Shuangcheng;DENG Shunxi;GAO Shuohan;YAO Jialin;XIONG Xinzhu(China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;School of Environment Science and Engineering, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China)
Ecology and Environmental Sciences