
论劳伦斯意大利游记的地域空间书写 被引量:2

On the Representation of the Regional Space in Lawrence's Travel Writings of Italy
摘要 游记创作与D H劳伦斯的生态理想主义密切相关。本文以劳氏的跨国旅行经历及游记创作背景为据,从空间批评的角度深入分析他的3部意大利游记,包括《意大利的黄昏》(1916)、《大海与撒丁岛》(1921)以及《伊特鲁利亚人的灵魂》(1932)中的地域空间书写。通过文本细读,我们发现,在劳伦斯的意大利游记中,无论是他对异质空间的书写,还是有关地域与原始文明的空间想象,都不同程度地表现了他对西方工业文明的审视,以及对人与生存环境关系的反思与重塑,彰显了作家深切的生态伦理关怀。本文作者认为,从文明的社会到自然的"地方",在现代的英国与古老的意大利两种不同社会空间形态的比照中,劳伦斯为我们展示了他独特的生态空间意识;意大利作为一个特殊的地域符号是劳伦斯游记创作的一个重要起点,承载着他为西方文明寻找再生希望的"乌托邦"理想。所以,意大利之旅对作家而言既是一场精神的原始朝圣,也是他不断探索自我的心路历程。 The composition of D. H. Lawrence's travel writings has much to do with his ecological idealism. From the perspective of spatial criticism and based on Lawrence's travel experiences abroad and the writing background of his three travel books of Italy, this paper attempts to explore in detail his regional ecological consciousness implied in his three travel writings of Italy, i.e., Twilight in Italy(1916), Sea and Sardinia(1921), Sketches of Etruscan Places(1932). The authors of this paper find that Lawrence's representation of the heterogeneous space and his spatial imagination of the regional space and the primitive civilization fully convey his critique of western industrial civilization together with his reflection on the relationship between human beings and their living environment. With a detailed reading of the three travel writings, we arrive at a conclusion that, by contrasting the two different spatial existences, i.e. the modern Britain and the ancient Italy, one being a civilized society while the other being a natural 'place', Lawrence presents the reader with his unique ecological consciousness of space; Italy, as a unique and amazing geographical space free from civilized restrictions and mechanization, is an important writing resource for his literary ambition, which is likely to fulfill his Utopian ideal of seeking for a new future for western civilization that has suffered from the loss of originality and vitality ever since the overwhelming spread of industrialization. Hence, the authors of this paper argue that Lawrence's trip to Italy is a spiritual primitive pilgrimage as well as a journey of self-discovery, which in a forceful way exhibits his deep eco-ethical concern.
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2016年第6期92-103,共12页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
基金 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目"劳伦斯诗歌 散文的生态主题研究"(项目编号:JA14028S)的阶段性成果
关键词 D.H.劳伦斯 意大利游记 地域空间 生态关怀 D.H.Lawrence travel writings of Italy regional space eco-concern
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