
向心路径定义及其在网络节点聚类中的应用 被引量:1

Definition of centripetal path and its application in cluster of network nodes
摘要 复杂网络为复杂系统的经典表现形式,依靠网络内部复杂关系进行网络节点聚类是理解复杂网络的一个重要途径。依据子类中心节点对于同一个类别中其他节点具有更强的控制力的思想,提出了子类中心点的概念及其确定方法,进一步提出了上通路和向心路径的概念。在子类中心节点基础上通过计算向心路径数量,实现网络节点的快速聚类算法,即向心路径节点聚类算法(Toward to Subheart Roads Defining Network Clustering Algorithm)。相比于传统算法,TSRDNCA算法具有较高的网络社区判断的准确性。 Complex network is a classic representation form of complex systems. One of the important ways to understand the complex network is to cluster nodes of the network by using the complex relationship between nodes. Based on the idea that the subclass center node has greater power to control other nodes in the same subclass, several concepts including the subclass center node, the up pathway and the centripetal pathway, are defined. By using those concepts, a new algorithm called the Toward to Subheart Roads Defining Network Clustering Algorithm is presented. The new algorithm can help us to finish the community division of the network nodes. Several experiments show that this algorithm plays better performance than some traditional algorithms.
作者 滕鹏举 李红军 TENG Pengju;LI Hongjun(College of Science, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China)
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期34-39,共6页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.61370193 No.61372190)
关键词 网络节点聚类 社区划分 邻接矩阵 向心路径 上通路 network node clustering community division adjacent matrix centripetal pathway up pathway
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