
战略性打造企业培训体系的“三重门”:基于业务生命周期视角 被引量:5

Strategically Building Corporate Training System: From the Life Cycle of Business
摘要 企业的可持续发展需要其培训体系建设与业务发展状况相协调,检验企业培训体系成功的重要标准就是看人才培养是否与企业的业务战略相契合。从业务的生命周期视角看,企业业务可以分为目前的核心业务、未来短期的成长业务与未来长期的新兴业务三个层次,即"三重门"。要确保新旧业务更替流畅,企业需要拓展守卫核心业务、建立成长业务、孵化新兴业务。因此,企业的三类业务需要分别实施积累、协助及效用三种人才战略,对应地需要有经营者、业务建立者及开拓者三类人才角色。在实际中,不同业务的工作场所就分别蕴含了获取、参与与共创三类学习隐喻的倾向。因此,培训实践者需要战略性地为不同业务打造不同的培训与发展体系,从而达到战略性支持业务发展与落实,同时又动态迭代地发展培训及发展的双重目的。 The development of corporate training system needs to be aligned with the life stage of corporatebusiness.The key criterion for the success of the corporate training system is to see whether it is in line with thebusiness strategy.From the perspective of business life cycle,business can be divided into three categories,the corebusiness,the growing business and the new emerging business.These three different businesses need differenttalent strategies,accumulation strategy for the core business,facilitation strategy for the growing business,andutility strategy for the new emerging one.Three levels of business need different types of talent roles andcompetency,and three business workplaces provide different kinds of practical environment for the acquisitionmetaphor,participation metaphor,and knowledge creation metaphor for learning.Seeing from the life cycle ofbusiness,training practitioners need to strategically build the training system for various businesses,not only toachieve the strategic support for business development and implementation,but also to iteratively develop thetraining and development system.
作者 于文浩 YU Wenhao
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期53-59,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 上海市教育科学研究重大项目“上海构建终身教育体系的若干重大问题研究”(D1305)子项目“关于整合社会力量提升从业人员文化水平与职业能力的对策研究”(D1305-04)
关键词 企业培训 业务生命周期 人才角色 人才胜任力 学习隐喻 Corporate Training Life Cycle of Business Talent Role Talent Competence Metaphors for Learning
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