

On the Indo-Soviet Relation Nehru period
摘要 尼赫鲁时期的印苏关系,在两国对国家利益、地缘政治的深度考量和美、中等大国因素的交互叠加影响下,经历了从冷淡到冷暖转换再到战略合作这样一种发展演变轨迹,属国际关系中较少见的递进式发展演变模式。它不仅为尼赫鲁之后的印苏关系走向准军事结盟奠定了坚实基础,而且还为两国在较长一段时间内的经贸与军事合作铺平了道路。 The Indo-Soviet relations in the period of Nehru went through evolving changes fromthe cold to the cold-warmsituation and to the strategic cooperation because of the overlapping factors such as Chinese and American causes, national interests and geopolitics,and this belongs to the evolving mode seldomseen in the international relations. This mode not only lays solid foundation for the Paramilitary alliance between India and Soviet, but for the trade and military cooperation between the two countries for a long time.
作者 刘名望 LIU Ming-wang(School of Historical Culture and Tourism, Zunyi Normal College, Zunyi 563006, China)
出处 《遵义师范学院学报》 2017年第1期33-39,共7页 Journal of Zunyi Normal University
基金 贵州省2016年度社科规划课题<冷战时期的印苏关系研究(1947―1991)>(16GZYB35) 2015年度贵州遵义师范学院博士基金立项项目<尼赫鲁时期的印苏关系研究(1947-1964)>(遵师BS[2015]18号)阶段性研究成果
关键词 尼赫鲁时期 印苏关系 发展演变 Nehru era the Indo-Soviet relations development and evolution
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