
从历史上三次文化交流看中国传统文化的现代转型 被引量:1

The Modern Transformation of Traditional Chinese Culture from the Perspective of the Three Waves of Cross-Cultural Communication in Chinese History
摘要 在中国几千年的历史中,大的文化交流和融合至少发生过三次,第一次开始于春秋战国时期的四周蛮夷文化与中原华夏文化的交流,融合于汉武帝时代的"独尊儒术",结果是汉代新儒学的形成,传统文化呈现出新的活力;第二次开始于东汉佛教文化的传入,经魏晋南北朝隋唐,其结果是宋明理学的形成,传统文化再一次表现出顽强的生命力;第三次开始于清代后期西方基督教文化的东传,融合还未结束,争论还没有结果,但从中西文化比较中,可以看出西方文化的优点在器物文化和制度文化层面,我国传统文化的优点在观念文化层面。因此,要想成功实现中国传统文化的现代转型,就应该将西方的器物文化和制度文化嫁接到中华传统的观念文化之上,构筑新的"中学为体,西学为用"的文化体系。 The large scale of cross-cultural communications and fusions has occurred at least three times over a long history of thousands of years in China,the first of which was the communication between the barbarian culture all around Chinaand Huaxia culture in Central Plains of China beginning with Spring&Autumn and Warring States Periods,and was fusedby espousing Confucianism as the orthodox ideology in the era of Emperor Wu of Han,leading to the emergence of the newConfucianism in Han Dynasty and new vitality of traditional Chinese culture;the second of which began with the introduction of Buddhist culture in the Eastern Han Dynasty,leading to the emergence of the Neo-Confucianism from Song to MingDynasties and indomitable vitality of traditional Chinese culture once again after Wei,Jin,Northern&Southern,Sui andTang Dynasties;the third of which began with the eastward introduction of Western Christian culture in the late Qing Dynasty,up to now has still not been over and yet reached no final conclusion on this matter.However,it can be observed that theadvantage of Western culture lies in its material culture and institutional culture,while the advantage of traditional Chineseculture lies in its conceptual.For this reason,Western material culture should be grafted on traditional Chinese conceptualculture,in order to construct a new cultural system guided by the idea“Chinese learning as fundamental essence whileWestern learning for practical use”and realize the modern transformation of traditional Chinese culture successfully.
作者 胡克森 HU Ke-sen
机构地区 邵阳学院
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期92-100,共9页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(11ZD&117) 湖南省社会科学基金重点项目(12ZDB31) 湖南省"十二五"重点建设学科(湘教发〔2011〕76号)资助项目
关键词 传统文化 现代化转型 中学为体 西学为用 traditional culture transformation of modernization Chinese learning as fundamental essence Western learning for practical use
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