
SnO_2纳米棒负载Pd-Sb催化甲酸电氧化 被引量:1

Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid on Pd-Sb Doping SnO_2 Nanorod
摘要 采用溶剂热法制备了SnO_2纳米棒载体,用溶剂热还原法制备了Pd/SnO_2催化剂和不同Pd/Sb原子数比的系列PdSb/SnO_2复合催化剂。用XRD、SEM、TEM、EDS等手段对样品进行分析表征,并以循环伏安法对比评价催化剂对甲酸的电催化氧化性能。表征结果表明,制备所得SnO_2纳米棒载体为针状,大小均匀,平均直径为100 nm;负载所得催化剂中活性粒子大小约为13.5 nm,掺杂Sb后,粒径约为9.5 nm。电催化氧化性能对比结果表明,Pd/Sb原子数比为4:1的Pd_4Sb/SnO_2复合催化剂对甲酸的氧化具有较好的催化能力,当E=0.25 V(vs SCE)时,Pd_4Sb/SnO_2上甲酸氧化的峰电流密度达到25 mA/cm^2,远远高于Pd/SnO_2催化剂。 SnO2nanorod carrier was prepared by the solvothermal method,and the Pd/SnO2catalysts and aseries of PdSb/SnO2composite catalysts with different Pd/Sb atomic ratios were prepared by thesolvothermal reduction method.The samples were characterized by XRD,SEM,TEM and EDS.Cyclicvoltammetry was used to investigate the catalytic activity of the Pd/SnO2and PdSb/SnO2catalysts on theformic acid oxidation.The results revealed that SnO2nanorod carrier was needle-shaped and its averagediameter was about100nm;The active particle size of the supported catalyst was about13.5nm,while itwas about9.5nm after the addition of Sb.The comparison results of electrocatalytic oxidation showed thatPd4Sb/SnO2(with nPd:nSb=4:1)catalyst exhibited the best catalytic activity.And the current density of thePd4Sb/SnO2catalyst was about25mA/cm2when E=0.25V(vs SCE)which is far higher than that of thePd/SnO2.
作者 何乌日嘎木拉 李宏霞 石乐乐 陆航 张益佳 孙丽美 HE Wurigamula;LI Hongxia;SHI Lele;LU Hang;ZHANG Yijia;SUN Limei(College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities, Tongliao 028000, Neimenggu, China)
出处 《贵金属》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期1-5,共5页 Precious Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金(21003070 21463017) 内蒙古自然科学基金(2012MS0208)
关键词 催化化学 直接甲酸燃料电池 SNO2纳米棒 catalytic chemistry direct formic acid fuel cell SnO2 nanorods Pd Sb
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