

The Study about the Relationship of the Core Self-evaluation and Well-being in the Graduates Learning Sports—— Self Hindrance as an Intermediary
摘要 目的了解体育类硕士研究生的核心自我评价、自我妨碍以及主观幸福感的关系,并研究自我妨碍因素对核心自我评价与主观幸福感关系的影响。方法采用核心自我评价量表、自我妨碍量表、主观幸福感量表对广州体育学院162名硕士研究生展开调查。结论 (1)体育专业硕士研究生的核心自我评价与自我妨碍呈显著负相关,与主观幸福感存在显著正相关;自我妨碍与主观幸福感不存在显著相关。(2)自我妨碍对核心自我评价与主观幸福感关系的中介与调节效应均不显著。 Objective:To understand the core of sports master graduate student self evaluation,self block and the relationshipbetween subjective well-being;to know the influence of self hindrance on the relationship between core self evaluation andsubjective well being.Methods:Using core self-evaluation scale,self-handicapping scale,subjective well-being scale to investigate162Guangzhou institute of physical education graduate student.Conclusion:(1)The core self evaluation of sportsprofessional master’s degree is negatively correlated with self impede,and the core self evaluation is positively correlatedwith subjective well being.And self disturbance is not related to subjective well being.(2)Self interfere with the relationshipbetween core self-evaluation and subjective well-being of mediation and adjust the effect was not significant.
作者 陈露露 Chen Lulu(Guangzhou Sport University, Guangzhou Guangdong, 510500, China)
出处 《当代体育科技》 2017年第5期85-86,共2页 Contemporary Sports Technology
关键词 体育 硕士研究生 核心自我评价 自我妨碍 主观幸福感 Sports Graduate student The core self-evaluation Self-handicapping Subjective well-being
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