
基于南水北调工程工期延误影响因素研究 被引量:1

Study on Influencing Factors of Construction Delay Based on the South-to-North Water Diversion Project
摘要 南水北调是一项大型跨流域调水工程,由于工程建设空间分布广、时间跨度大、影响因素多,造成各个标段工程工期延误较为普遍。采用分类随机抽样方法选取具有代表性的标段做工期延误影响分析,包括工程延误影响因素和影响结果分析,确定发生频率较高的影响因素包括:开工令下发滞后、村民阻工、施工图下发延误、设计变更等,影响较大的因素包括:征地滞后、桥梁占压段移交滞后、设计变更、村民阻工等,并分析了产生成因。这些结论可为其他大型复杂工程项目的管理提供借鉴和参考。 The south-to-north water diversion project is a large-scale inter-basin water transfer project.Because the projectconstruction is widely distributed,the time span is big and the influence factors are many,so each block construction period delay isrelatively common.This paper uses classification random sampling method to select the typical blocks for the construction period delayimpact analysis.It includes analysis of influencing factors and influence effect of the engineering delay.The impact factors with higherfrequency include:the lag of the starting,the resistance by villagers,the delay of construction drawing,changes of design and so on.Factorswith larger effect include:the lag of land expropriation,transfer lag of bridge tying section,changes of design,the resistance by villagers andso on.And the causes are analyzed.These conclusions can provide reference for the management of other large complex projects.
作者 杨耀红 袁红卫 YANG Yao-hong;YUAN Hong-wei(North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China)
出处 《价值工程》 2017年第11期18-20,共3页 Value Engineering
关键词 南水北调 工期延误影响因素 分类随机抽样方法 the south-to-north water diversion project time delay factor classification of random sampling method
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