

On Fanli of Ci collection in late Ming and early Qing:Centered on the Four Treasuries Series
摘要 明末清初,椠版之书前附凡例蔚然成风,词总集、词选集表现颇为显著。明清易代不足百年,却堪称千年词史的转捩点,自明前中期词体衰败之后,终迎来中兴之势,词籍凡例也在质与量两个维度上随之发展。翻览清人、今人汇辑的几种四库类丛书,爬梳出26篇词籍凡例,以此作为探赜词籍凡例的样本,可发现隐藏文本之后的多彩世界。在形制与内容上,词籍凡例与序跋、目录及正文进行着双向积极互动,一改以往文辞简单、依附赘疣的角色。诗集、文集、词籍等著录不同文体的集部之书,对其凡例作共时观照,可以探析出编纂宗旨在文体视域下的或同或异;专注词籍凡例的历时比较,则可烛见其间的继承与突破,并最终成长为词籍汇编的必要部分。择选较具代表性的明末清初词籍凡例,在多维视野中细读剖视,可见其词学思想、文体学意义及出版史料价值。 In late Ming and early Qing dynasties,it was a trend that people wrote a Fanli in the front page of a book,specially when a Ci collection or selection of Ci was to be published.It was no more than one hundred years before Qing replaced Ming,which was,however a turning point in the one-thousand-year history of Ci.After the first half of Ming Dynasty,Ci finally developed,and so did the Fanli of Ci collection both in quality and quantity.Looking over the Four Treasure Series compiled in Qing Dynasty and later,and by taking26Fanli from them as the samples for study,we discover a colorful world hidden behind the texts.In form and content,Fanli of Ci collection,casted its former role as being brief and attached,exerted instead positive interaction with prefaces,contents and the body of the text.Asynchronic study of Fanli in collections in various genres such as collections of poetry,prose and Ci suggestsrepresentations of compiling objectives,whether similar or not,while a diachronic study discloses the inheritance and transcendence of Fanli of Ci collected poems,which finally developed into a necessary part of Ci collection.Such a close study of some typical samples of Fani of Ci collections offers a multi-dimensional interpretation of poetics,stylistics and historical value of Ci collections in Ming and Qing dynasties.
作者 彭志 PENG Zhi(School of Humanities, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China)
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第2期146-153,共8页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 浙江大学人文社科专业博士生境外交流专项基金(2016)
关键词 词籍凡例 生成背景 双向互动 纵横比较 细读定位 多维讨论 Fanli in Ci collection forming background interactive comprehensive contrast close reading and positioning multi-dimensional research
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