
论地缘战略区位的主体间性--以缅甸为例 被引量:9

Study on the inter-subjectivity of geopolitical strategy location—Taking Myanmar as an example
摘要 由于大国不断的更换地缘战略楔子,缅甸在大国之间的几轮地缘战略角逐中绝对地理位置没有改变,但其地缘战略区位价值却几经变换。随着美国重返亚太、中国"一带一路"的提出,大国在缅甸的博弈更加剧烈,其地缘战略区位的价值越发突显,引发了更多国内外学者的关注,形成了一种缅甸对中国地缘战略不可替代的观点。全文通过对海权论、心脏地带论、边缘地带论、多级世界模式、大棋局等古典和现代地缘战略理论分析,得出:不同地缘战略理论强调了不同的地缘战略区位,同时地缘战略具有主体间性,区位隶属于地缘战略,进而推导出地缘战略区位具有主体间性。并以缅甸为例,通过考察分析缅甸在二战时期、冷战期间、新中国成立初期及中国崛起之后四个时期的地缘战略区位演变状况,解释了为何在大国博弈下缅甸的绝对地理位置没有改变,但地缘战略区位的价值却发生了变化,从而进一步论证了地缘战略区位具有主体间性。最后从主体间性角度对我国未来对缅甸的地缘战略抉择提出了几点建议。 Since the great powers adjust their geopolitical strategy wedgesconstantly,Myanmar's relative position in the geopolitical strategy keepschanging along with the strategic rivalry among the great powers.In recentyears,with the US’return to the Asia-Pacific region,China's peaceful riseand"Belt and Road Initiative"strategy,the great powers’game in Myanmar becomesmore intense,which makes the importance of Myanmar's geopoliticalstrategy location increasingly prominent,further uplifts the geopoliticalstrategic influence of Myanmar,even forms a view in academia that Myanmar inChina's geopolitical strategy is irreplaceable.However,history shows thatdifferent subjects affect Myanmar as subjects of the Great Power Game vary indifferent historical periods,which makes its geographical strategic locationchange over time,resulting in different influence on China's geopoliticalstrategy.Therefore,through the geopolitical strategy analysis of sea powertheory,theory of heart,edge theory,multilevel world model,the grand chessboardand other classical and modern theory,this paper comes to a conclusionthat:different geopolitical strategy theories emphasize different geopoliticalstrategic locations,and geopolitical strategy has its inter-subjectivity,which location is subordinate to,finally deduces that geopolitical strategiclocation has the inter-subjectivity.Taking Myanmar as an example,by researchingand analyzing its geopolitical strategic location evolution statusin World War II,Cold War,the early stage of PRC and the period after China’rise,this paper shows,in the great power game,why the value of geopoliticalstrategic location has changed,which further demonstrates that the geopoliticalstrategic location has the characteristics of inter-subjectivity.Then,from the perspective of inter-subjectivity,three suggestions are put forwardto China’s future geopolitical strategy in Myanmar:Firstly,from the perspectiveof inter-subjectivity,there is no contradiction between China and the UnitedStates in promoting democratic reform and economic development in Burma.Thus,we should continue our“cold treatment”strategy when the United Statesattempts to provoke China through Burma.Secondly,we should understand thatthe significance of Burma to China's geopolitical strategy is very important,but it is not unique to China.Finally,there are a number of options for Chinato go out.Myanmar is not the only choice.
作者 杨在月 胡志丁 惠凯 马晓东 王博 YANG Zai-yue;HU Zhi-ding;HUI Kai;MA Xiao-dong;WANG Bo(School of Tourism and Geography Science,Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500,China;Collaborative Innovation Center for Geopolitical Setting of Southwest China and Borderland Development,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China)
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期1-10,共10页 World Regional Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金(41401157 41661033) 国家社科基金重大招标项目(16ZDA041)
关键词 地缘政治 地缘战略 地缘战略区位 主体间性 缅甸 geopolitics geopolitical strategy geopolitical strategy location inter-subjectivity Myanmar
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