
泰安市泰山区185家公共场所卫生监测结果分析 被引量:14

Analysis of Hygienic Monitoring Results from 185 Public Places in Taishan District,Tai'an City
摘要 目的掌握公共场所空气质量和公共用品用具的卫生监测现状,为公共场所卫生行政许可和日常监管工作提供依据。方法在泰安市泰山区范围内抽取各类公共场所185家,依据现有的国家卫生标准和规范开展卫生监测,对结果进行分析。结果空气质量监测585个点,合格440个点,合格率为75.21%,其中住宿场所(80.77%)合格率最高,商场、书店(66.67%)合格率最低;空气质量监测4 749项次,合格4338项次,合格率为91.35%,其中餐饮场所(94.35%)合格率最高,洗浴场所(82.10%)合格率最低。公共用品用具监测2 784份样品,合格2 600份,合格率为93.39%,其中住宿场所(96.03%)合格率最高,文化娱乐场所(80.39%)合格率最低;公共用品用具监测5 248项次,合格5 035项次,合格率为95.94%,其中美容美发店(97.92%)合格率最高,文化娱乐场所(80.39%)合格率最低。空气质量监测项目中,相对湿度(100%)和甲醛(100%)合格率最高,噪声(77.55%)合格率最低。各种公共用品用具监测中,床上卧具(96.64%)合格率最高,餐具(84.06%)合格率最低。公共用品用具细菌分类监测中,合格率由高到低分别是是金黄色葡萄球菌(100%)、大肠菌群(96.66%)、细菌总数(94.92%)。结论泰安市泰山区公共场所卫生状况总体良好,但仍存在许多影响人体健康的危害因素,建议公共场所单位规范自身的卫生行为,预防健康危害事故发生;卫生监督部门加强卫生许可前的预防性卫生审核和卫生许可后的日常性卫生监管工作。 Objective To know the air quality in public places and the current hygienic monitoring situation of public supplies and appliances,and to provide the basis for hygienic administrative license and daily supervision in public places.Methods185public places were selected withinTaishan District,Tai'an City.Hygienic monitoring was conducted for them in accordance with current state health standards and specifications,andthe results were analyzed.Results There were totally585monitoring points for air quality,and440monitoring points were qualified,with the qualificationrate of75.21%,in which accommodations had the highest qualification rate(80.77%),while marketplaces and bookstores had the lowestqualification rate(66.67%);there were totally4749monitoring items for air quality,and4338monitoring items were qualified,with the qualificationrate of91.35%,in which dining places had the highest qualification rate(94.35%),while bathing places had the lowest qualification rate(82.10%).There were totally2784samples selected from public supplies and appliances for monitoring,and2600samples were qualified,with the qualificationrate of93.39%,in which accommodations had the highest qualification rate(96.03%),while cultural and entertainment places had the lowestqualification rate(80.39%);there were totally5248monitoring items for public supplies and appliances,and5035monitoring items were qualified,with the qualification rate of95.94%,in which barber shops and beauty shops had the highest qualification rate(97.92%),while cultural and entertainmentplaces had the lowest qualification rate(80.39%).In the air quality monitoring,relative humidity and formaldehyde had the highest qualificationrate(both100%),while noise had the lowest qualification rate(77.55%).In the monitoring of public supplies and appliances,bedding had thehighest qualification rate(96.64%),while tableware had the lowest qualification rate(84.06%).In the bacteria monitoring of public supplies and appliances,bacteria with the qualification rate from high to low are respectively staphylococcus aureus(100%),coliform group(96.66%)and total numberof bacteria(94.92%).Conclusion The general hygienic condition of public places in Taishan District,Tai'an City is good,but there are stillmany hazard factors to affect human health.Therefore,it is suggested that those who manage public places should use discipline in their hygienic behaviorand prevent public health accidents,and meanwhile health supervision departments should strengthen the preventive health approval beforegiving hygiene licenses and the daily health supervision after giving hygiene licenses.
作者 石国栋 Shi Guo-dong(Public Health Department of Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Taishan District, Tai'an, Shandong, 271000, China)
出处 《当代医学》 2017年第12期42-46,共5页 Contemporary Medicine
关键词 卫生监测 空气质量 公共用品用具 Hygienic monitoring Air quality Public supplies and appliances
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