The collision induced dissociation (CID) of H+2 ion colliding with He target has been measured by Williams andDunbar[1] and Suzuki et al.[2] in the keV energy region. In Ref. [1], the CID cross sections decrease monotonouslywith decreasing energy. But the energy dependency of the CID results in Ref. [2] is different with that in Ref. [1].At energies below 1 keV, no experimental results are available for integral cross sections. On the theoretical side,Furlan and Russek[3] have investigated the electron capture (EC), CID and excitation processes in the few keVenergy region. Their calculations are performed by the straight-line trajectory method based on the ab initiomolecular structure. A three-state approximation is employed in their calculations. Their CID cross sections areseveral times smaller than the experimental results. We present the quantum-mechanical molecular orbital closecoupling (QMOCC) calculations[4] for the CID process of the H+2 + He collision.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (11004014, 10979007)