In general, high energy density matter can only be transiently produced in the laboratory on a time scale ofnanoseconds. In addition, the pressure in a high energy density sample exceeds 1 Mbar, thus the hydro-dynamicresponse of the sample is a high expansion velocity in the range of km/s (or m/ns). Therefore diagnostics whichare capable of high time resolution (< ns) and high space resolution (< 10 m) are needed. Here, we present ascheme that uses a high energy electron beam as a probe for dynamic imaging measurements of high energy densityprocesses in materials with spatial, temporal resolution and frame rate in the order of 1 m, 1 ps and 1010 FPS,respectively.The device uses an e-LINAC (electron Linear Accelerator), which can produce electron beams with bunchintensity ranging from a few pC to 100 nC, bunch length and bunch interval of 1 and 100 ps in minimum, respectively.The beam energy can be increased easily from a few MeV to GeV by adding more accelerating sections. Detailscan be found in Ref. [1].
National Natural Science Foundation of China (1435015, 11275241)