Many studies have demonstrated that the degradation of silicon detector properties in a radiation field is linearlycorrelated to the displacement damage energy[1] induced by the non-ionizing energy loss (NIEL). It has been pointedoutthat NIEL can be incorporated into Monte Carlo transport codes to estimate the displacement damage effects[2].Fig. 1 shows the results of a SRIM simulation for 10 MeV protons injected on a double-sided silicon micro-stripdetector. It can be clearly seen that more than 95% of the energy loss can be ascribed to ionizing energy loss, whichprovides energy to excite or ionize extra nuclear electrons to generate electron-hole pairs when incident particlestraverse the detector and collide with lattice atoms. Less than 5% of energy loss is non-ionizing energy loss whichinduces lattice atom displacement damage or transforms into phonons to participate in the crystal lattice vibration.