The maximum information of a pulse from a detector can be acquired by digitizing a fast signal directly. Analternative to flash ADCs is the usage of SCA (switched-capacitor arrays)[1??2]. The input signal is sampled andstored in a series of capacitors at high sample rates under the control of a shift register, and digitized with acommercial ADC operating at lower sample rate. The DRS (Domino Ring Sample) chip developed by the PaulScherrer Institute, Switzerland, has been designed for maximum flexibility. We choose DRS4 chip to design awaveform sampling digitizing board. Each DRS4 chip contains 9 channels, and there are 1 024 sampling capacitorsin each channel. The Domino wave is generated by a series of inverters, whose speed is controlled by an analoguevoltage. The DRS4 waveform digitizing board records the input signal with a high sample rate between 0.7 and 5GS/s. The Domino wave can be stopped by an external trigger, after which the sampling capacitors are read outand digitized by a commercial ADC[3]