There are a lot of equipments in HIRFL such as faraday cups, view screens power supplies, RF (radio frequency)equipment, vacuum equipment, and so on. A growing number of equipment support network interface in theseyears. Thus the control network system of HIRFL has become more and more big and complicated. So it is veryimportant to ensure that each device is online. We built a network monitoring platform. There are three functions.The first is monitoring the online or offline state of each switch. Second, the devices in the control network belongto different subsystem and are managed by subsystem managers. We cannot guarantee that each device is notdropped, but we can have a warning system which can warn device manager once the device dropped. Third, ifsome ports are abnormal, the information can be immediately reported to the administrator. Therefore, the controlnetwork monitoring platform has three subsystems, switch monitoring system, equipment offline warning systemand switch log analysis system, as shown in Fig. 1.