4Peterson, Larry Wayne. Messiaen andRhythm: Theory and Practice. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1973.
5Simundza, Mirgana. "Messiaen's Rhythmical Organisation and Classical Indian Theory of Rhythm." Parts 1 and 2. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 18/1 ( 1987),117-144.
6Simundza, Mirgana. "Messiaen's Rhythmical Organisation and Classical Indian Theory of Rhythm." Parts 1 and 2. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 19/1 (1988),53-73.
7Youngblood, Joseph."Some Rhythmic Features in Messiaen' s Turangalila Symphony." Percussionist (Spring- Summer 1978), 117-120.