
浅议我国矿产资源法律法规体系建设 被引量:1

Discussion on Improving a Framework of Systems to Underpin China's Laws and Regulations on Mineral Resources
摘要 我国矿产资源法律法规体系自1986年《矿产资源法》公布实施起开始构筑,目前已形成以《宪法》《物权法》《行政许可法》等相关法律为基础,以《矿产资源法》为核心,与之相配套的13部行政法规、8部部门规章及众多有关矿产资源管理的地方性法规、政府规章共同组成的不同效力层级、内容丰富的法律法规体系,对矿产资源、资产管理发挥了重要作用。但体系建设还存在不少缺陷,严重滞后于社会经济发展的需要。文章对我国矿产资源法律法规的框架结构、调整对象、调整内容、调整环节进行了全面梳理,分析了矿产资源法律法规体系建设出现的主要问题,从《矿产资源法》的修改及配套法规的配置等方面提出了完善矿产资源法律法规体系的相关建议。 A framework of systems for China’s laws and regulations on mineral resources was started to build in1986when"Mineral Resources Law"was issued and implemented.Until now,a framework of systems of content-rich laws and regulations with different effectiveness level has been established;and it has played an important role in the management of mineral resources.Guided by the relevant laws and regulations such as“the Constitution of the People's Republic of China”,“Property Law”,and“China's Laws on Administrative Permission”,this framework of systems includes13administrative laws and regulations,8departmental rules,as well as many local regulations and government regulation based on“Mineral Resources Law”.However,as we know,every coin has two sides;there are a lot of shortcomings in the construction of framework of systems which are seriously lagging behind the need for social and economic development.Through thoroughly analyzing the frame structure,adjustment object,adjustment content,and adjustment link with regard to laws and regulations on mineral resources,as well as some problems that we face in the process of improvement,this paper offers some measures for developing the framework of systems to underpin the laws and regulations on mineral resources with the focus efforts on amending“Mineral Resource Law”and allocating supporting regulations.
作者 康伟 袭燕燕 KANG Wei;XI Yanyan(China Geological Environmental Monitoring Institute, Beijing 100081;Chinses Academy of Land and Resource Economics, Beijing 101149)
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2017年第5期15-21,共7页 Natural Resource Economics of China
基金 基金项目:中国国土资源经济研究院研究成果"现行矿产资源法律体系评价研究"(F1076-2009)
关键词 矿产资源 矿产资源法 法律法规体系 配套法规 mineral resources mineral resources law laws and regulations corresponding regulations and laws
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