

Research on the Weightlifting Competition of the 31th Olympic Games
摘要 采用调查法、文献资料法、观察法和数理统计法等对第31届奥运会举重比赛进行了多方面研究。结果表明:(1)女子成绩下滑,仅中国邓薇1人2次破2项世界纪录,有5个级别冠军成绩低于伦敦奥运会,6个级别冠军成绩与世界纪录差距很大;男子成绩进一步提高,有7人7次破6项世界纪录,4个级别总成绩超过上届奥运会。(2)中国队喜忧参半,喜在夺5金2银,忧在成功率低(58.3%)使夺金能力大打折扣,教练员指挥和减体重均出现重大失误,对技术规则的认识和把握存在差距;临阵换将,结果尚好。(3)金牌分散,9个队获金牌;兴奋剂阴霾不散,反兴奋剂任务艰巨。(4)中国举重仍面临多方面挑战,对未来发展提出了建议。 By using the method of investigation,literature,observation and mathematicalstatistics were studied in many aspects of the31th Olympic Games Weightlifting Competition.The result shows that:(1)Women's performance decline,only Chinese DengWei broke2world records for2times,the resultsof5categories lower than that of30th Olympic Games,6categories champion results has gap with world record;and men's achievements further improve,7men broke6world records for7times,the total results of4categories higher than the30th Olympic Games.(2)Chinese team mixed joy in winning5gold2silver medal,worry in the low success rate(58.3%)and the ability of gold discount,coaches command and lifters bodyweight reduction are major mistakes,understanding of technical rules and grasp the gap;Chicken substitutions but the result is still good.(3)Gold dispersed,9team won the gold medals;Doping looming,Anti Doping task is severe.(4)Chinese weightlifting is still facing many challenges,for the future proposal was put forward.
作者 杨棠勋 杨世勇 孙清旺 吴正兴 王秀平 YANG Tangxun;YANG Shiyong;SUN Qingwang(Sichuan Electric Power Transmission and Transformation Construction Co.Ltd. Chengdu, 610021, China;Three Department of Physical Education and Sport Training, Chengdu Sport University, Chengdu, 610041 China)
出处 《四川体育科学》 2017年第3期60-64,110,共6页 Sichuan Sports Science
基金 2016年国家社科基金一般项目<中国夏季冬季奥运会冠军群体成长特征研究>(批准号16BTY090)部分内容
关键词 第31届 举重 奥运会 比赛成绩 31th Weightlifting Olympic Games Performance
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