
疏肝解郁活血通络法治疗冠心病的临床研究 被引量:1

Clinical study on Shugan Jieyu Huoxue Tongluo method in the treatment of coronary heart disease
摘要 目的:探讨疏肝解郁活血通络法治疗冠心病的临床效果。方法:收治冠心病患者71例,分为治疗组与对照组,治疗组采用疏肝解郁活血通络法治疗,对照组采用西药治疗。结果:治疗组的疗效明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:疏肝解郁活血通络法治疗冠心病的临床效果显著。 Objective:To explore the clinical effect of Shugan Jieyu Huoxue Tongluo method in the treatment of coronary heartdisease.Methods:71patients with coronary heart disease were selected.They were divided into the treatment group and the controlgroup.The treatment group was treated with Shugan Jieyu Huoxue Tongluo method.The control group was treated with westernmedicine treatment.Results:The curative effect of the treatment group was significantly better than that of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The clinical effect of Shugan Jieyu Huoxue Tongluo method in the treatment of coronary heart disease wassignificant.
作者 刘宏平 刘忠斌 Liu Hongping;Liu Zhongbin(The Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Liaoyuan City 136200)
机构地区 辽源市中医院
出处 《中国社区医师》 2017年第16期95-95,97,共2页 Chinese Community Doctors
关键词 疏肝解郁 活血通络 冠心病 Shugan Jieyu Huoxue Tongluo Coronary heart disease
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